Family Craft Swap

Saturday, December 711:00 AM—2:00 PMChildren's/Youth DepartmentBigelow Free Public Library54 Walnut St., Clinton, MA, 01510

Just in time for the Holidays!

Join us today from 11:00-2:00  for our 1st "Gluten Free" Family Craft SWAP! Look through your craft items you have at home, decide what you would like to swap with others, and get ready for some fun.  Just drop-in.  Those wishing to donate items for the swap may do so from Tuesday, Dec. 3 to Fri. Dec. 6.

Items that will not be allowed: NO paint,  NO Finger Paint , NO Paper Mache. Nothing with wheat flour!

When in doubt, use the best friend rule-----would I give this to my best friend?

Friends of the Bigelow Library Cocoa and Cookies available 11-1 in the Community Room downstairs


No Registration Required